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Friday, September 30, 2011

Trace assignment

I had a TON of diffuclty with the inside image, I could have made it better but I just ran out of time. The alignment on the letters is also really bad bc they just wouldn't rotate right.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Las vegas sign

At first I had trouble with finding all the tools I would need to make this sign. After I found everything I needed I had trouble understanding the directions on how to make the actual sign part. Finaly after all that it took forever to find a font even close to the font used on the actualy sign. I think the sign looks pretty cool so it was worth the trouble.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Quote revisited

I changed the font to better fit the quote. I also made the colors fit it better (no more maroon and orange), further more I put less colors and fixed the transparency.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Glyph Monster

I had a lot of difficulty picking a picture I wanted to do so i just picked the joker picture. I put glyphs closer together to make a more clear picture. Another thing I did was since we couldnt add color what I did was for one color on the picture I gave it 2 glyphs.