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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I also like insects so i picked this image. Dragon fly's are one of my favorite insects. They are so fast and dominate the sky in the insect world.
  • This is a picture of a FOV(field of view).
  • Point -- You Focus on the face of the dragonfly.
  • It is a light picture.

I picked this picture because I think Hurricanes are cool. Although deadly they are still very cool. I like how they hav the spiral and then the eye at the middle of the storm.
  • This picture is a very heavy picture.
  • Point -- You look at the hurricane on radar and the area's around the hurricane.


I picked this image becuase it almost looks like it's out of a sci-fi movie. But this is real, their was a thunderstorm when this was taken I guess. This is a picture of lightning in volcanic ashes.
  • Asymetrical -- The lightning is very unsymetricla.
  • Point -- You go and focus on the lightning and the smoke.  
  • This is a fairly heavy picture.
I also like space picture's; and also black holes. Black holes are very interseting becuase they just eat everything in their path and all the stuff just disappears. This picture is interseting becuase it shows a black hole slowly eating up a star.
  • Asymetrical -- The black hole isn't symetrical
  • Point -- You focus on the black hole first and then the start it is consuming.
  • This is picture is light.
I picked this picture becuase it shows a bald eagle catching a fish. Which I have never actualy seen one like this. It is very cool seeing how the eagle just grasps the fish and fly's away.
  • Pattern -- The water has a slight pattern and so does the eagles wing's.
  • Point -- You look at the eagle and the fish the eagle caught first and then you look at the splash from the water.
I think lightning is one of the most interseting things about weather. Like when it strikes a tree the tree explodes. Lightning also leaves behind lightning "roots" in the ground from where it struck.
  • Point -- Your eyes first look at the tree being struck by lightning and then the actual bolt of lightning.
This is a very pretty pink for lightning. I like how the clouds are pretty much out of the way. You can fully see the lightning strike the ground.
  • Point -- Your eyes first focus on the strike point and then to the whole blot of lightning.

Tornado Lightning Rainbow
I picked this picture becuase its kinda strange. There is a raging storm and then a small rainbow just next to it. Just goes to show rainbows aren't always nice.
  • Balanced -- This picture is balanced from light to dark colors.
I like the colors in this sunset. You almost don't even notice the waves crashing on the shore. Your eyes are just focused on the clouds and the color.
  •   Balanced --  This picture isn't very busy.
  • Point -- You focus on the clouds first and then to the sun and then to the crashing wave.
I like this picture becuase it's a really pretty thunderstorm. I like weather and thunderstorms. This looks like it was very dangerous though.
  • Balanced -- This is very balanced. The main part of the picture is all on one side of the picture.
  • Point -- You first focus on the top part of the cloud, then to the sky and then to the actual storm.


  1. I like that eagle picture. Ive seen some do it before while I was on my Uncles fishing boat. Its really cool to see

  2. you must really like nature...lolwut

  3. I like the picture of all the lighting an thunder

  4. You are using Point when you mean emphasis. Emphasis is the focus of the image. Try to reach out to more principles and elements. These are good images and a lot more can be said about them.
