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Monday, October 17, 2011

Personal Expression Project

I choose the red back ground because it went well with the shirt I am wearing in this picture. I also like the color red so I used that as a font color. I used a less fancy font type for the more serious things about me. The more playful and fancy font types were for more entergetic things about me. Lastly the thing I am holding in this picture is a bird, not a fruit salad or something kind of fruit or what ever else you may think it is.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Trace assignment

I had a TON of diffuclty with the inside image, I could have made it better but I just ran out of time. The alignment on the letters is also really bad bc they just wouldn't rotate right.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Las vegas sign

At first I had trouble with finding all the tools I would need to make this sign. After I found everything I needed I had trouble understanding the directions on how to make the actual sign part. Finaly after all that it took forever to find a font even close to the font used on the actualy sign. I think the sign looks pretty cool so it was worth the trouble.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Quote revisited

I changed the font to better fit the quote. I also made the colors fit it better (no more maroon and orange), further more I put less colors and fixed the transparency.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Glyph Monster

I had a lot of difficulty picking a picture I wanted to do so i just picked the joker picture. I put glyphs closer together to make a more clear picture. Another thing I did was since we couldnt add color what I did was for one color on the picture I gave it 2 glyphs.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I also like insects so i picked this image. Dragon fly's are one of my favorite insects. They are so fast and dominate the sky in the insect world.
  • This is a picture of a FOV(field of view).
  • Point -- You Focus on the face of the dragonfly.
  • It is a light picture.

I picked this picture because I think Hurricanes are cool. Although deadly they are still very cool. I like how they hav the spiral and then the eye at the middle of the storm.
  • This picture is a very heavy picture.
  • Point -- You look at the hurricane on radar and the area's around the hurricane.


I picked this image becuase it almost looks like it's out of a sci-fi movie. But this is real, their was a thunderstorm when this was taken I guess. This is a picture of lightning in volcanic ashes.
  • Asymetrical -- The lightning is very unsymetricla.
  • Point -- You go and focus on the lightning and the smoke.  
  • This is a fairly heavy picture.
I also like space picture's; and also black holes. Black holes are very interseting becuase they just eat everything in their path and all the stuff just disappears. This picture is interseting becuase it shows a black hole slowly eating up a star.
  • Asymetrical -- The black hole isn't symetrical
  • Point -- You focus on the black hole first and then the start it is consuming.
  • This is picture is light.
I picked this picture becuase it shows a bald eagle catching a fish. Which I have never actualy seen one like this. It is very cool seeing how the eagle just grasps the fish and fly's away.
  • Pattern -- The water has a slight pattern and so does the eagles wing's.
  • Point -- You look at the eagle and the fish the eagle caught first and then you look at the splash from the water.
I think lightning is one of the most interseting things about weather. Like when it strikes a tree the tree explodes. Lightning also leaves behind lightning "roots" in the ground from where it struck.
  • Point -- Your eyes first look at the tree being struck by lightning and then the actual bolt of lightning.
This is a very pretty pink for lightning. I like how the clouds are pretty much out of the way. You can fully see the lightning strike the ground.
  • Point -- Your eyes first focus on the strike point and then to the whole blot of lightning.

Tornado Lightning Rainbow
I picked this picture becuase its kinda strange. There is a raging storm and then a small rainbow just next to it. Just goes to show rainbows aren't always nice.
  • Balanced -- This picture is balanced from light to dark colors.
I like the colors in this sunset. You almost don't even notice the waves crashing on the shore. Your eyes are just focused on the clouds and the color.
  •   Balanced --  This picture isn't very busy.
  • Point -- You focus on the clouds first and then to the sun and then to the crashing wave.
I like this picture becuase it's a really pretty thunderstorm. I like weather and thunderstorms. This looks like it was very dangerous though.
  • Balanced -- This is very balanced. The main part of the picture is all on one side of the picture.
  • Point -- You first focus on the top part of the cloud, then to the sky and then to the actual storm.


Hi, I'm Brady Eberle and I go to school at A&M Consolidated High School. I like learning about weather and insects. I like to run, bike and hike. I have 1 bird, 1 cat, 3 dogs and a hedgehog.